Friday, November 9, 2012

Realization of the Journey

To know love is to utterly despise the fact that you may succumb to it.
That you crave that delicious taste of satisfying pain knowing that you're in love with someone.
Yet your deepest fear is that you put your everything into it.
Your heart, guts, and soul into that one person with hopes they don't end the whole existence you have come to know and love.
Ain't life a bitch?
Yet she dresses herself in the dopest disguises.
The life we all crave, chilling in the crib or out on a date with the one person we been pursuing for so long.
Making ourselves look a fool, sometimes we allow ourselves to be used like a tool.
Damn that kinda rhymed. Haha.
Meanwhile, its said that the person with the least invested has the power.
Such cowardice is awarded with utter control and power.
Oh the irony.
Unleash all your inner demons on me baby.
I'll take care of you and I know the last three niggas said this. Let me prove it.
Destroy me.
Obliterate me.
Make me feel puny and worthless.
I'm willing to let you do this so you can see that when I've been emotionally terrorized?

I'm still gonna be by your side.